Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Important Reunion Update

Because of the small number of responses to the cocktail reunion event, we will no longer be having a formal party. Instead, we will still plan to have an informal get-together at The Underground at 8 pm on October 18th (i.e., still come but now you don't have to pay...lucky you). Although we will not have a reserved space or catering, there will be a band and a cash bar! You'll probably find us on the patio outside the lower level. Also, please still reach out to our missing tigers.

We will still be having the family picnic Saturday afternoon. However, PLEASE NOTE that you NEED TO PAY for this event IN ADVANCE (the reason we had to cancel the cocktail party was due to the fact that we only received one payment...don't worry Tom*, you'll be reimbursed!!).

*Names have been changed to protect the one responsible person from the class of '98!!

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